Miller Audio

Plated Transformer Covers


We buy transformer covers in bulk so that we can provide various finishes and appearance packages our customer’s demand. Today, no one wants a 1950’s amplifier in a modern-day Man Cave or with modern speakers.
Note: These plated covers are not “show” finished. Show finishes involve hours of hand polishing and meticulous attention to detail to achieve a mirror finish. Yes, they look great when new- but how do they age over time? Customers comment that a polished show finish is too “bright”, and draws your attention to the amplifier and not the music.

Copper Transformer Covers & Face Plate- $209.95
Nickel Transformer Covers & Face Plate- $209.95
(Note: For Transformer Covers used on the Stainless-Steel Chassis, we recommend use of Silver Cadmium Plated fasteners. For Covers on the Black Chassis, we recommend Black Oxide fasteners).


Copper Transformer, Nickel Transformer


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