Miller Audio

“Improved” Standard Terminal Block


One result of the listening tests conducted @ GR Research with our Dyna-70 amplifier was to eliminate all ferrous electromagnetic materials in our audio output chain. This small, yet impactful change can improve high frequency response in most audio systems. The only ferrous parts we have in our audio output chain were the steel, Cadmium plated terminal screws in the terminal block, which come this way from the manufacturer. The metal terminal in the block is made from Tin-Plated ½ hard Brass, making it easy to solder the Transformer output leads to the terminal end.
We now offer our standard terminal block with solid copper screws and washers, which we now call the “Improved” Standard Terminal Block.

We offer in two configurations:
⦁ The Improved Standard Terminal Block with Copper Screws & Washers for $47.95.

⦁ If you already have our Standard Terminal Block, you can purchase a Copper Screw & Washer kit for $19.95 and upgrade your Standard Terminal Block to the “Improved” configuration.

Note: Prices do not included Shipping & Handling


Improved Standard Terminal Block with Copper Screws & Washers, Copper Screw & Washer Kit


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