Miller Audio

Film Capacitor


The Dyna-70 Ultimate Upgrade uses Polypropylene Film Capacitors in the Audio Front-End and for the Power Tube film coupling capacitors. However, DIYer’s, experimenters & kit builders like to roll more than just vacuum tubes and the Dyna-70 Ultimate Upgrade PCB was designed with this interest in mind. The film coupling caps, C8, C9 & C10 have generous area to accommodate diverse sizes of film caps. We recommend for best performance that you not use film caps with less than a 630 VDC rating, or more than a 5% tolerance factor.

The Dyna-70 Ultimate Upgrade uses two sizes of film coupling caps, 0.10uF and 0.22uF; with two 0.10uF caps for C8 and four 0.22uF caps for C9 & C10. For those who want to experiment with film caps and their impact on the audio signature, we offer many upgrades to the Mundorf or Solen film polypropylene capacitors; our recommendation is to call us if you want something custom. Additionally, the Mundorf caps have a tighter tolerance of 3% vs. 5% for the Solen. Some of our customers are old school and prefer to use traditional Sprague Orange Drop Polypropylene film caps and that is all right with us because they too will fit fine on the Dyna-70 PCB.

For customers with discriminating taste, we offer what we think is the best audio film capacitor made, the Audio Note Copper Film capacitor.  These feature copper plated mylar foil, immersed in oil and also feature 99.9% pure Silver leads. From amplifiers to speaker crossovers, use of these film capacitors will take your audio product to another level, however we readily admit they are very expensive, but are on par, if not slightly better, than high-end Mundorf film capacitors (1200VDC Silver and Gold in Oil) we’ve used in several custom orders and are about the same price as the Audio Note Copper capacitors.

We normally use Audio Note, Audyn, Mundorf, and Solen film caps in all versions of the Dyna-70 upgrade and observe that al brands perform well, sound great and give owners the ability to customize their ST-70 using audio specific film caps.

NOTE:  We recommend you avoid use of capacitor voltage ratings above 1200-1400 volts; the size of the cap gets much larger in length & diameter. We provide room for C9 and C10 to accommodate most any film capacitor size, however, C8 is bounded by the 6SN7 tube sockets, limiting the physical size of cap that can be used in C8. For an additional cost we can provide closely matched sets of all film capacitors.


Solen Fast Cap, 0.10 uF, 630 VDC, 5% Tolerance, Solen Fast Cap, 0.22 uF, 630 VDC, 5% Tolerance, Mundorf M-Cap, 0.10 uF, 630 VDC, 3% Tolerance, Mundorf M-Cap, 0.22 uF, 630VDC, 3% Tolerance, Audio Note Copper Film Capacitor, 0.10 uF, 630VDC, Audio Note Copper Film Capacitor, 0.22uF, 630VDC


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