Miller Audio

Dynaco 4 Output Terminal Block, 1 Pair w/ Fasteners


We found the perfect termina block for a Dynaco product; it fits the ST-70 (and other Dynaco amplifiers) as if it were made for it- no holes to drill or enlarge- just bolt it right on. The following are photos of our development ST-70 chassis. To those Pomona banana jack adapters; we like them and will to use them, but at their cost most customers will not buy a full set of eight- because you can only hook up one set of speakers on a ST-70. All one really needs are 2 black and 2 red adapters, cutting the cost in half and giving customers all they need to use the new terminal blocks with banana jacks. This installation protects the Fuse and the power switch because the terminal block extends past both the power switch and the fuse body. Note that the individual terminals are separated by a molded-in barrier, aiding in the prevention of stray wire strands from shorting across speaker terminals, a great improvement over the stock terminal strip and something not addressed when using those big, chunky plastic imported binding posts. Reminder: These terminal blocks will bolt right up to Dynaco Mark II, III and IV mono block amplifiers too. We'll be releasing these soon and welcome customer feedback. We will have available in our demo room at the Lone Star Audio Fest,June 2-4 here in Dallas at the Embassy Suite Hotel- Galleria near I-635 and the North Dallas Tollway. Stop by and check out all our products,listen to some tunes from one of our Dyna-70 Ultimate Upgrade ST-70's and see if you don't agree we have the best sounding ST-70 on the market today.


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